Mandatory information according to Section 5 TMG and DL-InfoV:
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 11
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)69 43 93 78
Fax: +49 (0) 69 49 04 02
The law firm CAHN, HÄUSER & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte und Notare has the legal form of a partnership under civil law. It has its registered office in Frankfurt am Main.
The value added tax identification number (Section 27 UStG) is: DE317440128.
Professional liability insurance for lawyers and notaries:
The professional liability insurance is with Allianz Deutschland AG, 10895 Berlin, and fulfils the requirements of Section 51 of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO). The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes activities in Europe.
Supervision of lawyers:
The lawyers of CAHN, HÄUSER & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte und Notare are admitted to practice under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association.
Frankfurt am Main Bar Association
Corporation under public law
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 170098-01
Fax: +49 (0)69 170098-50
The professional title ‘Notar’ and ‘Notar a.D.’ was awarded under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of standardised professional regulations of the Federal Notarial Code (BNotO). The notaries are members of the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Notaries.
Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main
Corporation under public law
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 170098-02
Fax: +49 (0)69 170098-25
Official supervision:
Pursuant to Section 92 ff. BNotO the President of the Regional Court.
President of the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main
Regional Court Frankfurt am Mainn
Gerichtsstraße 2
60313 Frankfurt am Main
President of the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main
Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main
Zeil 42
60313 Frankfurt am Main
The following professional regulations apply to lawyers in Germany:
Federal Lawyers' Act - BRAO
Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers - BORA
Specialist lawyer regulations - FAO
Lawyers' Remuneration Act - RVG
Law on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany - EuRAG
Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union - CCBE
The professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers
The following professional regulations apply to notaries in Germany:
Federal Notarial Code - BNotO
Notarisation Act - BeurkG
Guidelines of the chambers of notaries
Service regulations for notaries - DONot
Court and Notary Costs Act - GNotKG
European Code of Professional Conduct for Notaries
The professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Federal Chamber of Notaries